Former President and Leader of the Opposition Jens van Kakerken has tendered his resignation to the Conservative Party, and will be succeeded by Colin Luxbridge-Sullivan.
"The Conservative Party has lost the most recent elections, I take this highly as the Leader of the party, I am taking my responsibility and recognise that the party needs new leadership, this is exactly why I will be resigning and will hand over to longtime deputy Colin.
I am confident that he will do a good job as leader and may be able to take our party forward next election, I am confident that Colin can lead us through the next elections with success!
I will be staying a prominent member of the party, and MP. But I will also focus more on being the State Governor of Kreylingrad. Our Nation needs new leadership, and today the first step in that direction is taken!" - Jens van Kakerken
Colin Luxbridge-Sullivan:
"It filled me with deep sadness to hear of Mr van Kakerken's resignation plans. A great role model to me, it will be strange not to be met with that charismatic voice of his with instructions and advice from the top.
I am most pleased to hear of his continued membership of the party and change in focus, I have great confidence in his ability as a State Governor and Member of Parliament. A man to whom I very much look up, I hope to enjoy many more years serving by his side with his continued presence in the party.
This is not the end of Conservatism in the USOR, far from it. This is the start of a new era. I will make it my duty to serve the people of the nation I love to the best of my abilities. We may not have won the most recent election, but this is a mere anomaly in the rise of a prosperous nation.
My party's work begins now. Welcome to the future. Let us create a brighter tomorrow together. For the USOR and its indomitable people!" - Colin Luxbridge-Sullivan