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Radiator Inc. rebuilds RYOC.

The build of the Radiator Dome has resumed after the monument for the RYOC bombing had been revealed. The Dome good for a capacity of about 30.000 people will be opened later this year. Radiator Inc. has also start the build of a giant distribution centre under the Radiator Dome. This centre won't carry the name Radiator but Distroville. The company under the giant Radiator brand already has a headquarter in Antwerp, Belgium. The CEO of Radiator Inc. has already said that his company who owned the refinery in RYOC will not be rebuild. "We will keep pumping up oil, so the RYOC port will get loads of jobs for the people in the USOR. The refinery won't be rebuild as the place will be used for affordable housing." Radiator Inc. has asked to buy the land to sell houses to the workers in de Dome, distribution centre and the port.

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