Prime Minister Arthur Hitchens has requested Parliament to pass a bill calling for a General Election on the 17th of February.
According to the PM "the people of the USOR deserve an active Prime Minister, and not one who hasn't passed a bill in his entire term".
The Deputy PM Jens van Kakerken asked the PM to wait until the scheduled elections of the 29th of February, but the PM wasn't going to change his mind.
"The Prime Minister stated to leave the premiership and join Likud as a backbencher, he will leave the premiership after the election and I hope that election gives a decisive mandate for whoever is able to get a majority!" - Jens van Kakerken (Likud)
The other parties boycotted the vote in parliament, as a statement against this indecisive government:
CRP Leader Jair Bolsonaro said:
"This government can't take measures against the coronavirus, can't take action against crime, against failing economic policies left by the Radiator-administration, and can't restore peace and stability in the Former RYOC"
SDU Leader MarkPlays said:
"Our party boycotted the vote because we are against this far-right government, we are happy we now get the chance to unseat them. Along with the van Kakerken ELITE!"
The Election will take place on Monday the 17th of February, it will still use the system of FPTP but Likud promised to abolish that system and go back to proportional representation.
Likud's Internal Memo tells us:
"We Will Abolish that System, coalition or not."
We will be here with results tomorrow night.