The citizens of RYOC started to build barricades, they are singing the RYOC anthem and screaming "Jens, Murderer! Jens, Murderer!" The road to the Radiator Dome has been barricaded with furniture, the other road has been barricaded with a lot of dirt. The tunnel to RYOC has been barricaded with stones from the tunnel. Before the tunnels was barricaded a loud explosion was heard.
After the assassination of state PM Sealand Jack, RYOC blames the government. The assassination happened after SJ got silenced by the Supreme Court of the USOR. SJ has always been very critical of the government.
Last week Jens also stopped a discussion with Sealand after Jens told him: "Why are you debating me then, it's not like you can change anything as state prime-minister." SJ called Jens a child, which was celebrated in RYOC. His death seems to have started a new want for a free state of RYOC. Last time RYOC did that they got bombed by Wolvania and the USOR which costed a lot of lives.
RYOC expects to lose live again because Jens is a very aggressive president which was seen in the USOR-RYOC war. "I'm not afraid to die, I'd rather die for RYOC and justice then for that dictator!" the words of a freedom fighter who was bringing his bed to the barricade.
More later...
