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1. Long live our Glorious Fatherland, 

Built by the people’s will and mighty hands.

Upon us, fellow Reconilians,

Fate shall smile once more, like never before


From the Our to Shelda and back,

Are we all united.

From the mountains to the Sea,

Are we well-protected!

Soul and body we lay down for our freedom,

And show that we are brothers of the Great Family.

2. O Thou above whose powerful hand

Makes States or lays them low,

Protect this Holy USOR land

From foreign yoke and woe.


Your spirit of liberty bestow

On us now as of yore.

Let Freedom's sun in glory glow

For now and evermore.

Soul and body we lay down for our freedom,

And show that we are brothers of the Great Family.

"Glorious Fatherland" - Adriaen Valerius
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